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Expert advice not found anywhere else

Over the years, we’ve work extensively with System Integrators, ISV’s and IT Consultants such as Schneider, Siemens, Johnson Controls & Control Works to guarantee availability for companies such as Telstra, Royal Perth Hospital, Brisbane Airport, Sydney Opera House, Global Switch datacentre and QANTAS to name a few.

We design high availability frameworks using the most innovative, award winning technologies that are easy to implement and use. We have supported mission critical applications in demanding industries such as banking, defense, security, manufacturing and building management, transportation and communication. We have worked in the following areas:


Happy Clients
Successful Cases


Key services​

CIO Advisory

We have worked with many of Australia’s largest blue-chip companies such as Qantas, Woodside and Perth Stadium as an advisory CIO, advising in a range of areas from enterprise IT architecture for large-scale infrastructure projects, to designing complex cyber security frameworks.

Continuous Computing

Research shows that even one hour of downtime can cost companies $600,000 in lost revenue and productivity. The cost is even higher when you factor in the loss of brand reputation and trust in the market.

Monitoring and DR

Monitoring your data in real-time is critical in today’s digital and 24/7 switched on world. Businesses can’t afford for their operations and data to be hacked or to fail, and so real-time monitoring and protection is vital.

Cyber Security

We help you navigate the growing complexity of cyber security. We design and implement solutions to ensure your business is prepared for the new digital era.

Get in touch to find out more